Monday, April 9, 2012

9 de abril

dear friends and fam,

well this week i was in the hospital! cool huh? i ate some pozole and got sick in the stomach and well i didnt feel very well at all. i stayed in the hospital for 4 days, 3 nights and ate cooked apples and jello and some atole like 50 times. the same food for 4 days, 3 times a day! i was pretty sick of it. but ya i left that place and now im back to working but this week was pretty crummy.  obvi cause we didnt get to work. so ya no worries. everythings all good now, mother.

well other than being in the hospital all week nothing else really happened. were gonna baptize 3 on saturday and confirm them on sunday so im excited for that!

gotta go! love you!
elder inglish


with some investigators dressed in some huipiles.

in the hospital hooking me up to I.V.

my name on the board in the hospital!

one of those stuffed animals that turns into a pillow! its an elephant. a fam came and visited me in the hospital and one of the girls were gonna baptize gave me it!

haha. a face mask

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